What was Mikal Ron’s job before being elected the leader of an organization? [br

游客2024-09-20  0

问题 What was Mikal Ron’s job before being elected the leader of an organization? [br]  
The organization representing the world’s French-speaking countries has named a woman to be its leader for the first time.(1)Former governor-general of Canada Mikal Ron was chosen at the organization’s summit in the Senegal capital Dakar. Born in Haiti, she and her family fled to Canada as refugees in the 1960s. Mikal Ron has promised to shift the organization’s focus towards economic issues.(2)" People are seen in this economic strategy some hope and new relevance for our organization, you know, countries, peoples and civilizations came together by doing business together, by exchanging economy together, and this is how, you know, we saw civilizations coming together, this is the history of humanity. "

选项 A、business profit
C、cultural exchange

答案 C

解析 本题考查对新闻内容的推理。由句(2)可知,米卡尔·罗恩认为经济交往能促进文化之间的交汇融合,故C为正确答案。