Why did John and Mary cross off the apartment on the 68th Street? [br] [origina

游客2024-09-16  0

问题 Why did John and Mary cross off the apartment on the 68th Street? [br]  
M: Well, Mary, now that we’ve seen the three apartments, which one do you like best?
W: I don’t know, John. I know one thing. I don’t like the one on the 68th Street.
M: Neither did I. Let’s cross that one off. That leaves the 72nd Street one and the 80th Street one.
W: The one on the 80th Street has a better view, and a very cheerful kitchen.
M: Yes, and it was clean. But there was no good place to put a desk.
W: That’s true. You could always just put it in a corner of the living room, but then you wouldn’t have any privacy.
M: Right. And I do need to be able to leave my work on the desk.
W: Oh, John, what about the 72nd Street apartment? It has a dining area. We could eat in the kitchen, and put the desk in the dining area. It’s more private there.
M: Yes, that sounds OK. Only, what I didn’t like about that place was the west window. It gets quite hot in the late afternoon with the sun beating down on the window.
W: Didn’t you notice the air conditioner?
M: No. Was there one?
W: Yes. And we could improve on the curtains, too.
M: That place did have the best parking facilities of the three.
W: Yes, it’s best for our needs.

选项 A、a good view.
D、a good kitchen.

答案 B

解析 女士说80号大街的那套公寓能看到好风景(即A),有很好的厨房(即D),接着男士说到它很干净(即C)。由此可知,A、C、D都是该套公寓的优点,只有B未提及;故本题选B。