[originaltext]W: [6]Good morning. University Language Center. How can I help yo

游客2024-09-12  2

W: [6]Good morning. University Language Center. How can I help you?
M: [6]I’m interested in doing a language course. I did Mandarin last year and now I’d like to do Japanese. Can you give me some information about what courses are available at your center and when they start?
W: Yes certainly. We’ll actually offer a number of courses in Japanese at different levels. Are you looking for full time or part time?
M: Oh! I couldn’t manage full time as I work every day but evenings would be fine and certainly preferable to weekends.
W: Well, we don’t offer courses at the weekend anyway, but let me run through your options. [7]We have a 12-week intensive course three hours three nights a week—that’s our crash course. Or an eight month course two nights a week.
M: [7]I think the crash course will suit me best as I’ll be leaving for Japan in six months time.
W: Are you a beginner?
M: Not a complete beginner, no.
W: Well, we offer the courses at three levels, beginners, lower intermediate and upper intermediate, though we don’t always run them all. It depends much on demand.
M: I’d probably be at the lower intermediate level—as I did some Japanese at school but that was ages ago.
W: Right. Well, [8]the next Level Two course begins on Monday 12th September—there are still some places on that one—otherwise you’d have to wait until January or March.
M: [8]No, I’d prefer the next course.
W: Right. And just one or two other questions for our market research, if you don’t mind.
M: No, that’s fine.
W: What are your main reasons for studying Japanese? Business, travel, or general interest?
M: [9]My company’s sending me to Japan for two years.
W: Alright—I’ll put down "Business". And do you have any specific needs? Will there be an emphasis on written language? For instance, will you need to know how to write business letters, that sort of thing?
M: No. But [10]I’ll need to be able to communicate with people on a day-to-day basis.
W: OK, so I’ll put down "conversation".
M: Yes, because I already know something about the writing system at an elementary level and I don’t anticipate to read too much.
W: You said you’d studied some Japanese. Where did you study?
M: Three years at school. Then I gave it up so I’ve forgotten a fair bit. You know how it is with languages if you don’t have the chance to use them.
W: Yes, but I’m sure it will all come back to you once you get going again.
6.What is the conversation mainly about?
7.What do we learn about the course the man is going to take?
8.When will the man’s course begin?
9.Why does the man want to study Japanese?
10.What will the man focus on in studying Japanese?

选项 A、He is very interested in Japanese culture.
B、He plans to travel to Japan next year.
C、He will be on short business trip in Japan.
D、He will work in Japan for two years.

答案 D

解析 ①对话中女士问男士想学日语的主要原因是什么,男士回答说公司将派他去日本两年。由此可知是因为工作原因,本题选D。②A“对日本文化感兴趣”、B“打算明年去日本旅行”和C“将在日本短期出差”都不符合对话内容。