[originaltext]M: Hey, Anita! Great to see you!W: Long time no see! I’m so glad
[originaltext]M: Hey, Anita! Great to see you!W: Long time no see! I’m so glad
M: Hey, Anita! Great to see you!
W: Long time no see! I’m so glad you had time to meet for lunch!
M: How’s your career going? Last time we talked you said you were trying to get a raise.
W: Yep. That’s the plan. I mean,(.6)I’ve certainly put in the hours. I’m definitely one of the most productive members of the company and I feel I contribute a lot.
M: So? What’s the problem? Why haven’t you gone in there and demanded a raise?
W: I just can’t work up the confidence to do it. I know I need to, and I know I need it, but it’s tough.
M: OK, we are going to figure this out together. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s asking for what I need.
W: I don’t even know where to begin. My son needs braces and his school tuition has just gone up. We really need to get a new car and even the dog has needs we can’t pay for.
M: OK, stop right there.(8)You can’t base your salary request according to your needs. The company isn’t a charity and if you go in and say "I need" , it’s not going to work.
W: I could probably make more money if I changed companies.
M: There you go. That’s a powerful argument.(9)But leave any threats till the last minute. What you need to do is to stress your value.
W: I do have to consider the current global economic slowdown. Our company has been taking quite a hit.
M: That’s true. You have to take those factors into account. But you also have to get paid at a fair rate.
W: I can present quite a bit of hard data to demonstrate my usefulness to the company.
M: That’s great! Then you have to figure out what a fair salary is for your position you’re your responsibilities. How long have you worked there?
W: This would be the third year.
M:(10)Three years? Then your boss should be expecting you to ask for a raise. You can check online and find out what typical salaries for your position are.
W: From the research I’ve done, I’m pretty sure others are making about 15% more than I am.
M: OK, so there is your target. A minimum 15% raise.
W: I’m still a little hesitant to go tooting my own horn and demanding higher pay. It’s just not my style.
M: Well, as the old saying goes, "Ask and you will receive. " You have to give it a shot.
W: Thanks for the pep talk, Kim. I’m going to ask for a raise on Monday!
M: You go girl!
6. What does the woman say about herself?
7. Why hasn’t the woman demanded a raise?
8. Why does the man say the company isn’t a charity?
9. What does the man suggest the woman do first?
10. How might the woman’s boss feel when she asks for a raise according to the man?
A、Submitting the resignation.
B、Threatening the supervisor.
C、Stressing her value.
D、Applying for another job.
属于质量控制点选择的有()。A、施工难度大 B、技术要求高 C、钢筋加工
血清总铁结合力增高,见于A.慢性感染性贫血 B.血色病 C.再生障碍性贫血
关于家庭承包经营的描述,下列说法有误的是( )。A.承包期内,发包方可以收回承
以下属于资产负债管理工具的是( )。A.资产证券化 B.内部资金转移定价
可促进白细胞增生的药物是A.叶酸 B.红细胞生成素 C.粒细胞集落刺激因子