Showing Concern Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following

游客2024-09-05  3

问题     Showing Concern
    Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:
    You phoned your friend Mary several times yesterday but she didn’t answer your call at all. Now write her a note to find out what happened and ask if she need your help. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.


答案     Dear Mary,
    I phoned you several times yesterday, but you didn’t answer my call at all. I begin to worry about you.
    Is everything going on smoothly? Or do you come across any trouble? If there is anything that I can help, don’t hesitate to tell me. I will be glad to help you.

解析     这是一则对朋友表示关心的便条。言辞应该充满关切,并问对方是否需要帮助。本题的便条要写清楚以下要点: