Which of the following sentences is an ORDER?A、It is essential that all the fact

游客2024-09-05  3

问题 Which of the following sentences is an ORDER?

选项 A、It is essential that all the facts be examined first.
B、I want to propose a toast.
C、Take good care of yourself.
D、If only I knew her address.

答案 A

解析 A项意为“把所有的事实都先检查一遍,这很重要。”“It is essential that...”是固定句型,其中that从句中的谓语使用动词原形,表示命令,故为答案。B项意为“我提议大家干杯!”表示提议;C项意为“好好照顾自己。”表示一种嘱咐和祝福;D项意为“要是我知道她的地址就好了。”表示假设。