Passage Six [br] What causes fewer and fewer jobs to be available in America?Mor

游客2024-08-23  3

问题 Passage Six [br] What causes fewer and fewer jobs to be available in America?


答案 More and more jobs are being done by robots.

解析 原文第九段第一句提到美国的工作岗位正在逐渐消失,不是因为它们转移到了墨西哥,而是因为越来越多的工作正在由机器人来完成。题干中的fewer and fewer jobs to be available in America对应原文中的American jobs are disappearing,由此可知,导致美国人工作机会越来越少的原因是越来越多的工作正在由机器人来完成,故答案为“More and more jobs are being done by robots.”。