(1) Executive coaching is primarily concerned with confidential one-to-one d

游客2024-08-23  4

问题     (1) Executive coaching is primarily concerned with confidential one-to-one discussions between the coach and the executive. It is aimed at performance improvement. Primary needs are diagnosed and agreed upon, a "developmental-action plan" is drawn up, the skill base of the executive is broadened by coaching, and then the new skill sets are tested in the workplace under the guidance of the coach. Sometimes, these needs involve team coaching, but individual coaching is the normal starting point. The coach needs to guide the executive outside his or her comfort zone in order to improve performance.
    (2) A coaching assignment normally focuses on two or three developmental needs of the individual, and lasts for 6 to 12 months. However, it sometimes involves multiple assignments aimed at bringing about cultural change in an organization. For example, a new chief executive may want to change the culture of his organization. He could then hire a coach, and brief him or her to change the mindset of his direct subordinates on a one-to-one basis.
    (3) Compared with traditional management training, which is typically related to broadbased organizational change, sometimes of a technical nature, executive coaching is targeted to individual and small-group change. The primary focus of coaching is often behavioural and leadership change, and is rarely of a technical nature. The difference between coaching and training is that coaching is one-to-one, highly confidential and over 6-12 months, whereas training is typically of a short-term, group-work-shop nature.
    (4) Referring to the key ingredients for enhanced performance and team success, business coaching has a lot to learn from sports.
    (5) According to sports coaches, a coach is a catalyst for change, and is not paid to preserve the status quo, but to lift people out of their comfort zone, so that they grow and develop. The coach must stay in touch with the state of the art and extract from it what is relevant.
    (6) All sports coaches believe passionately in the power of the team to lift performance not by just a little, but by 100%. Considerable energy is devoted to defining goals, roles, a code of conduct and to fostering group dynamics in order to optimize team productivity.
    (7) Both success and failure are learning opportunities, and there is a severity in their cold-eyed, weekly analysis, which business has yet to develop. Top athletes scrutinize both success and failure with their coach to extract lessons from them, but they are never distracted from longer-term goals.
    (8) To be a champion athlete means developing an elitist attitude—not involving arrogance, but rather an unceasing desire to learn and improve. They never accept second best, but always strive for what has not yet been achieved.
    (9) There must be a sport/life balance, so that athletes are not obsessed by their goals, and thus lack a sense of perspective to cope with inevitable failure or occasional success, or the ability to re-charge their batteries outside the sporting arena. (本文选自 www. brefigroup. co.uk) [br] Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to Para. 5?

选项 A、Executive coaches need to update their minds constantly.
B、Coaches are aimed at broadening people’s horizons.
C、It’s difficult to evaluate the performance of a coach.
D、A coach should lift people out of their comfort zone.

答案 C

解析 细节题。原文第五段中提到,教练的任务不是维持现状,而是要带领人们走出舒适区,促使其成长和发展,这里明确提出了判断教练任务完威好坏的标准,C说法错误,故为正确答案。A“高管教练需要不断地更新他们的思维”与文中第五段第二句中的“The coach must stay in touch with the state of the art…”意思相符,故排除;B和D与该段第一句中的“…a coach…is not paid to preserve the status quo,but to lift people out of their comfort zone…”意思相同,故均排除。