—Do you remember your grandfather?—Oh, yes. I remember him quite well. He died

游客2024-08-22  6

问题 —Do you remember your grandfather?
—Oh, yes. I remember him quite well. He died when I was about 12.
—Oh, yes, I was very fond of him. When I was a boy I used to love listening to the stories he told me.

选项 A、But has he ever left the town?
B、But how did they survive?
C、So you have memories of him?
D、So have you travelled before?

答案 C

解析 说话人问男士还记得他的爷爷吗,男士回答当然记得,又根据后面男士的回答Oh,yes,I was very fond of him.When I was a boy I used to love listening to the stories he toldme.可知,提问者应该是问男士有没有关于爷爷的记忆,所以C项正确。