Engineers and designers are already designing craft capable of propelling us

游客2024-08-21  5

问题     Engineers and designers are already designing craft capable of propelling us beyond Earth’s orbit , the Moon and the planets. They’re designing interstellar spaceships capable of travel across the vast emptiness of deep space to distant stars and new planets in our unending quest to conquer and discover. Our Universe contains over a billion galaxies: star cities each with a hundred billion inhabitants. Around these stars must exist planets and perhaps life. The temptation to explore these new realms is too great.


答案 工程师和设计者已在着手进行飞船的设计工作,这种飞船能将人类送离地球轨道,以及月球和九大行星以外的太空。他们正在设计能穿越浩瀚的外层空间,到达遥远恒星和带外行星的星际飞船,以助人类实现不断征服和揭开宇宙奥秘的追求。整个宇宙拥有十亿多个河外星系,一个河外星系就是一座星城,每座星城有“居民”上千亿颗。在这些恒星周围必定有行星存在,或许,还有生命存在。探索这些未知的领域实在太具吸引力了。
