The Millennium Seed Bank Project[img]2018m1x/ct_eyyjscm_eyyjs
The Millennium Seed Bank Project[img]2018m1x/ct_eyyjscm_eyyjs
The Millennium Seed Bank Project
One of the largest conservation projects ever undertaken, this international collaboration aims to safeguard over 24,000 plant species world-wide against extinction and to secure the future of the UK’s native flowering plants. A new building to house the seed vaults will open in the summer at Wakehurst Place in Sussex. It will include an exhibition and provide a world resource for seed conservation, research and education.
The total project cost is about £ 80 million. The Millennium Commission is providing a grant of up to £30 million and we are also particularly grateful to Orange plc whose early commitment was so crucial, and to the Wellcome Trust, the world’s largest medical research charity. Recognising the enormous contribution that plants make to successful remedies, the Trust has provided £9. 2 million towards the building itself which will be known as the Wellcome Trust Millennium Building. Much of the remaining cost will be sought from international funding agencies.
Why do we need to conserve plants?
Within fifty years, one quarter of the world’s plants could be condemned to extinction. Should this happen, many thousands of animals will disappear as well, but perhaps most importantly, the human cost will be huge. As well as providing staple food crops, plants are the source of a great many medicines, and form the principal supply of fuel and building materials in many parts of the world. They also protect the soil and help to regulate the climate. However, plants are often lost before we know anything about their potential benefits for society.
Why do we need seed banks?
We would always like plants and their habitats to be conserved in the wild. Sadly, pressures on the environment are so great that it is not always possible to do this. Because we can’t always guarantee the safety of a plant in its natural environment, banking seeds provides an effective form of insurance. Seed bank are a very efficient and cost-effective means of conserving plant species because seeds occupy very little space and require little attention.
Many thousands of seeds for each species are stored in a seed bank. Each seed represents a potential new plant. Life’s strength is in its diversity, so the greater variety of seeds we store for each species, the more we can guarantee that species’ safe future.
Aims of the Millennium Seed Bank
The project aims to collect and conserve seeds from the entire UK native seed-bearing flora by the year 2000. Through international collaboration the aim is to bank 24,000 species, principally from the world’s drylands, by 2010.
The project will also carry out research to improve all aspects of seed conservation, make seeds available for research and species reintroduction into the wild, and it aims to promote public interest in plant conservation.
Questions 56—60
Complete the following form with no more than three words according to the passage.
seed conservation
(由最后一段可知,该计划的另一目标是对种子保存的各方面进行研究。因此填seed conservation。)
社会功能包含两个不同的既念A.社会融合和社会接触 B.社会交柱和社会资源 C
施工项目信息按信息的稳定程度分类分为固定信息和()。A.执行信息 B.静态信
下列各项中除哪项外,均是十灰散的药物组成A.茅根茜根丹皮 B.山栀大蓟小蓟
1.题目:《手绘线条图像—物象的多视角表达》 2.内容: 要点提示或建议
口疮的主要临床特征是A.口舌满布白屑 B.口舌、齿龈等处发生溃疡 C.咽喉部
《中小学教师职业道德规范》中提出“爱国守法”是教师职业的( )A.基本要求
心理治疗的伦理要求是( )。A.对症下药,剂量安全 B.减轻痛苦,加速康复