—I spilled some coffee on my jacket! ______ —You’ll see a place on Madison Avenu

游客2024-08-15  5

问题 —I spilled some coffee on my jacket! ______ —You’ll see a place on Madison Avenue between the First Street and the Second Street. It’s beside the bank.

选项 A、How can you get it ironed?
B、Do you know the way to the factory?
C、Who is to blame for the accident?
D、Where can I get it cleaned?

答案 D

解析 句意:一我把咖啡洒在外套上了,该去哪里清洗呢?一去一街和二街之间的麦迪逊大道,银行旁边的一个地方。由回答可知,回话人主要告知了问话人地点信息,因此空格处应填人询问地点的问题。本题应选D项。