What does the man say about the yoga class? [br] [originaltext]W: I’m starting

游客2024-08-15  6

问题 What does the man say about the yoga class? [br]  
W: I’m starting a yoga class tomorrow. Do you want to come?
M: I’m not sure. In the photos I’ve seen, it looks kind of painful. Plus, the people are all so thin.
W: Don’t worry about that. It’s a beginner’s class, so it will be really easy. And, it’s for people of every height and weight. Come on, give it a try.
M: I was always thinking I’d go to university, but the fees are so high now. I was looking for other options, something where I can be sure I’d get a job afterwards.
W: Yes, that’s a real problem now, isn’t it?
M: Yeah, and the fact that I’m not really sure whether the university courses really prepare you for any particular job. They’re too academic, not really very practical.

选项 A、They are too expensive to be affordable.
B、They are too boring to arouse his interest.
C、They are too difficult for him to follow.
D、They are too academic to be of real use.

答案 D

解析 对话中男士向女士表达自己对大学课程的想法,他提及到“They’re too academic,notreally very practical”,可知他认为大学课程学术性太强,而不太具有实用性,因此答案选D。