Which of the followings is NOT a reason why women bosses are unpopular? [br] [o
Which of the followings is NOT a reason why women bosses are unpopular? [br] [o
Which of the followings is NOT a reason why women bosses are unpopular? [br]
M Caitlin Friedman offers advice on being a smart woman-in-charge in her new book: The Girls Guide to Being a Boss Without Being Unpopular. Good morning, nice to have you here.
W Right. Those women need my book, terribly.
M Absolutely. Why is it that when women become the boss or become leaders, they tend to be unpopular?
W Well, we think there are two reasons. The first is, it’ s really unfair that in the workplace people expect women to be emotionally there for them. You would never take your personal problems to a male boss, but you do take them to a woman boss because women are nurturing, just because that’ s what women do.
M You expect them to understand the issues with your kids or whatever.
W Right, and the other thing is there haven’t been any positive women role models. I mean, there are very few positive women role models out there.
M And we’ll get to some of that in a minute, but why are the roles so different for men and women when they do become the boss?
W Well, I think it really has to do with the lack of role models. I mean, when we were growing up and coming into the professional environment, we had really tough women bosses, but they had learnt from men. So we think that women need to be able to manage me way they are comfortable in managing.
M What’ s the No. 1 mistake women are making?
W I think the No. 1 mistake women are making is that they’ re trying to do something the way that’ s not comfortable for them. You know, you really need to be firm and fair. You need to know what your employees need from you before you just want to set out these blanket things. The other thing is that if you are emotional once in a workplace, you are the crier from then on, though you cried only this time in ten years.
M Is there no place for emotion than in a workplace?
W Well, we don’t think there is. I mean we think that you can be yourself, which is kind and supportive, warm and giving, but not crying, screaming, or beating people.
M That sounds crazy. So let’ s talk about practical advice: how women can avoid some of these bad behaviors that will keep them from being unpopular. First, the bad boss behavior—insecurities rule.
W I think a lot of women are uncomfortable with leadership positions. I mean, men too, but I think that women in particular and that can bring insecurity.
M Gender discrimination. Do women tend to favor men in a workplace?
W Yeah. Unfortunately, we think that there is definitely internalized sexism that goes on.
M Why is that? I mean why can’t women relate with their co-workers? Or if they’ re the boss, why can’ t they just give them the power they need?
W Well. We are not sure why, but I think it’ll change. With books like this, and the fact that more women are in a workplace every day, it will change, just by sheer numbers.
M So, some keys to being a better manager, as you say, are to provide clear visions, support your staff, be advisor.
W Absolutely. We think it’ s me women’ s responsibility when they are in leadership positions to be more advisor than manager.
M Caitlin Friedman, thanks so much for the great advice.
A、Sense of insecurity in managing post.
B、Gender discrimination in working place.
C、The reason for not giving power to co-workers.
D、The reason why they play different roles from men bosses.
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