Which of the following issues about women bosses is NOT answered by the author?A

游客2024-08-13  4

问题 Which of the following issues about women bosses is NOT answered by the author?

选项 A、Sense of insecurity in managing post.
B、Gender discrimination in working place.
C、The reason for not giving power to co-workers.
D、The reason why they play different roles from men bosses.

答案 C

解析 题目问以下关 于女老板的问题哪一项没有被书的作者所回答。对话中男士问女老板为什么不能直接把权力下放给需要的同事。Caitlin Friedman说我们不确定原因,但她认为这一情况会改变。由此可知书作者并没有直接回答女老板不把权力下放给同事的原因,故选C。