[originaltext]M: Mum! I can’t tell you how glad I am to be home. I had a horrib

游客2024-08-13  7

M: Mum! I can’t tell you how glad I am to be home. I had a horrible flight.
W: What happened? And why do you have that big stain on your shirt?
M: The flight attendant was reaching to serve a drink to the man sitting next to me, and suddenly there’s a turbulence and she spilled it all over me.
Question: Where did the man get the stain on his shirt?

选项 A、In a restaurant.
B、In his office.
C、On the street.
D、On a plane.

答案 D

解析 题目问男士衬衫上的污渍是从哪里来的。对话的最后,男士告诉自己的妈妈,空姐正伸手给坐在自己旁边的男士提供饮料,突然一股湍流,空姐将饮料洒到了自己身上。由此可见,男士的衬衫是在飞机上弄脏的,故选D