What does Saffron want to he in the future? [originaltext]M: Saffron, you’ re le

游客2024-08-13  7

问题 What does Saffron want to he in the future?
M: Saffron, you’ re leaving school soon, aren’ t you?
F: Yes, my A-levels will start next week, but I’m not too bothered about the results, because when I leave school,I’m going to concentrate on my music career.I’m lead singer in a band and I don’t need any qualifications to be a pop star.I see my future very clearly—I’ m going to be incredibly famous and fabulously rich.
M: So you’ve already got a contract then?
F: Er,no,not as such.Actually,we haven’t got a manager yet, but the minute I’ve taken my last exam, I’m going to find a really good one.
M: So, do you intend to continue living at home?
F: No way.I’ll have moved to London just as soon as I’ ve left school.London’ s where it all happens in the music industry.
M: Do you think you’ ll be able to live off your music right from the start?
F: Well, if we don’ t make it straight away we might have to get part-time jobs for a few months or something.I know it’s going to be hard at first, but I bet you,by this time next year,we’ ll have had a record in the charts.
M: And where do you see yourself in five years from now?
F: In five years from now, I’ll be staying in posh hotels and won’ t be able to walk down the street without being recognized.In fact,I’ll give you my autograph now if you like—it will be worth a fortune in a few years’time!

选项 A、A writer.
B、A pop star.
C、A doctor.
D、An engineer.

答案 B

解析 本题是细节题。此类题型一般情况下可以在原文中找到答案。因此参赛者在做题时要注意留意对话中出现的关键信息,注意关注对话者的身份、姓名、工作、年龄、受教育程度、经济能力、研究成果、社会贡献和影响力等。本题题干中询问Saffron将来想做什么。由录音中“I’ m lead singer in a band and I don’need any qualifications tobe a pop star.I see my future very clearly-I’ m going to be incredibly famous and fabulously rich.”可知,她将来想成为一名流行歌星,故选B。