What percentage of students is staying away from school in Zimbabwe in 2008? [br

游客2024-08-12  8

问题 What percentage of students is staying away from school in Zimbabwe in 2008? [br]  
The UN Children’s Fund reports school attendance in Zimbabwe has rapidly declined from more than 85 percent in 2007 to just 20 percent by the third term of 2008. The UNICEF Representative in Zimbabwe, Roeland Monasch, says the cholera epidemic and the collapse of basic services are adversely affecting the population. He says children are staying away from school because they have to help their parents look for food or find ways to earn money to help support their families.
Q: What percentage of students is staying away from school in Zimbabwe in 2008?
Here in the Point du Jour bar in the town of Cosne sur Loire in Burgunay the tobacco ban has, shall we say, not quite yet come into effect. There’ s a group of four or five men beside me here at the counter and they’ re all busy pulling away. Having no fear though, this does not mean that the ban is without teeth. The fact is that the government has given a twenty-four hour reprieve for people to bring in the New Year. And from tomorrow, everyone here concedes they will be respecting the law. If they want a ’ cloppe’ or a fag, it’ll be outside on the pavement or in their cars. It’ s in places like this deep in the heart of the French countryside that resistance to the smoking ban has been at its strongest. People see it here as an affront to personal liberty and as a threat to a traditional way of life centred on the village cafe. But the fines are large, the government says it means business. And so from tomorrow here at the Point du Jour bar as across the rest of France, the morning coffee and cigarette will be a thing of the past.
Q: Where does the article say people will be allowed to smoke after the smoking ban in France comes into force?

选项 A、In bars but not cafes.
B、In their cars.
C、Anywhere in the countryside.

答案 B

解析 根据If they want a‘cloppe’or a fag,it’ll be outside on the pavement or in their cars.可知,以后人们只能到人行道或者自己的车里吸烟了。