What does the man mean? [br] [originaltext]W: I thought you said you were going

游客2024-08-12  8

问题 What does the man mean? [br]  
W: I thought you said you were going to call me last week about that car I’ m selling.
M: Oh, I’ m so sorry. It completely slipped my mind.
M: I hate memorizing vocabulary.
W: Well, it’s part of learning a second language, so there is not whole lot you can do about it.

选项 A、He has to do what is necessary in order to learn.
B、He doesn’ t have to memorize all the vocabulary.
C、There is not much he can learn by memorizing.

答案 A

解析 男士对女士说他讨厌记单词,女士认为记单词是学外语必需做的,而且光记单词还不够,因此A项是正确答案。