Researchers say pizza-eaters are less______certain cancers according to a study

游客2024-08-11  7

问题 Researchers say pizza-eaters are less______certain cancers according to a study showing that those who ate at least one pizza a week were 59% less likely to contract cancer of the oesophagus, and they______tomato sauce.

选项 A、open to: believe
B、prone to: credit
C、infected with: rely
D、concerned about: depend

答案 B

解析 句意:研究表明,常吃比萨的人患某些癌症的几率更低,每周至少吃一个披萨的人患食管癌的可能性降低了59%,研究人员将这一现象归功于番茄酱。prone to有…倾向的。infect with感染(有传染性的疾病)。credit归因于;归功于。因此B选项正确。