Why does the woman do yoga? [br] [originaltext]W: I’ve done yoga for ages, but

游客2024-08-10  4

问题 Why does the woman do yoga? [br]  
W: I’ve done yoga for ages, but I didn’t know you were interested in Eastern philosophy.
M: Philosophy? No, I just do it because it helps me relax.
W: Right. It’s a shame, really. People in the West just see yoga as a form of exercise, whereas in fact the postures are a preparation for meditation.
M: Well, I’ve just started, and I’m happy to be feeling less stressed and a little more flexible.
M: Why don’t you do a computer course?
W: I’m getting a bit old to learn new things. I don’t really know anything about computer technology.
M: Come off it. Tons of adults study as adults these years. Everyone in the class will be in the same boat. Go on!
W: Ok, you’ve talked me into it. I’ll enquire about the course this week.

选项 A、She doesn’t think it’s necessary.
B、She worries about the tuition.
C、She thinks it’s too difficult for her.
D、She doesn’t like technology.

答案 C

解析 根据录音中女士回答不上电脑课的原因可知,她觉得自己年纪大了,学不了新的知识。即电脑课对她来说太难了。因此选C项。