[originaltext]W: I often go to photography exhibitions at the local museum. Som

游客2024-08-13  8

W: I often go to photography exhibitions at the local museum. Sometimes the pictures are of nature—you know—wild animals or sunsets...that kind of thing.
M: Yes, I like to hang out at the museum as well. I’ m also a big fan of sculpture. Last time I was inItaly I made a special trip to go see Michelangelo’ s "David".  It’ s really a very impressive work of art.
W: Wow! I’ d love to see that! I was in Paris two years ago and I spent half my time there walking around the Louvre Museum. It was amazing.
Q: What do the speakers have in common ?

选项 A、They enjoy taking photographs of nature.
B、They like to visit museums worldwide.
C、They wish to see the sculpture "David" one day.
D、They have been to the Louvre Museum.

答案 B

解析 题目问的是说话者有什么共同点。对话开头女士说她经常去当地博物馆看摄影展览。男士说他也喜欢去博物馆闲逛,上次在意大利的时候,他专程去看了米开朗基罗的“大卫”。然后女士说她也喜欢去看米开朗基罗的“大卫”。两年前她在巴黎,花了一半的时间在卢浮宫周围散步。由此可知,两位说话者的共同点是都喜欢参观世界各地的博物馆。故答案为B。