My first is in MOCK but not in FAKE My second is in BOIL but not in BAKEMy thi

游客2024-08-10  13

问题 My first is in MOCK but not in FAKE
My second is in BOIL but not in BAKE
My third is in ROCK and also in ROLL
My fourth is in WINDOW but not in POLE
My last is in BASIN but not in BATH
I do tricks to make children laugh.
What am I?


答案 clown

解析 (第一个字母可能是m、o、c中的一个,第二个字母可能是o、i、l中的一个,第三个字母可能是O或r,第四个字母可能是w、i、n、d、w中的一个,第五个字母可能是S、i、n中的一个。通过玩把戏逗孩子笑猜测是“小丑”。)