Which of the following is the symbol of Cambridge? [originaltext]Chris: How clos
Which of the following is the symbol of Cambridge? [originaltext]Chris: How clos
Which of the following is the symbol of Cambridge?
Chris: How close to the town center of Cambridge are we here?
Henry: Oh, I should think not much more than a quarter of a mile.
Chris: I can’t hear any traffic.
Henry: No. That’s the beauty of Cambridge, isn’t it? You’re here in the countryside and you might be miles from anywhere.
Chris: And there is that chapel, the famous landmark.
Henry: That’s it. The absolute symbol of Cambridge is King’s College Chapel.
Chris: It’s so beautiful. And that’s its land?
Henry: This is all King’s College on either side. And when we’re coming into the college, we impress on visitors that you do not walk on the grass. Only the fellows walk on the grass.
Chris: "Fellows only" and you hear about "fellows" of colleges. What is a fellow? What does it mean ?
Henry: In a company they would be the directors of a company. So they’re very often at the same time lecturers and professors in the university; some are administrators, obviously, people like the treasurer of the college--usually called the "bursar".
Chris: But they are permanently attached to that college?
Henry: They are permanently attached to the college--they’re the board of directors.
Chris: That, then, is Clare?
Henry: That is Clare College. That’s the next college. That’s the second oldest college in Cambridge.
Chris: Is it?
Henry: The buildings are seventeenth century but the college itself was founded early in the fourteenth.
Chris: This is Clare Bridge.
Henry: This is the oldest bridge in Cambridge.
Chris: Ah.
Henry: This is about 1640. This was built when they were rebuilding the college to bring in the building materials. So now we are up to Trinity College. And this is the grandest, the richest college of them all.
Chris: That is a splendid building, isn’t it?
Henry: This is the Wren Library.
Chris: It’s all on the upstairs floor, there’s nothing downstairs, except an arcade.
Henry: It’s very cunningly done, you see, because Wren’s very near the river. He wanted to avoid any risk of flooding.
Chris: Ah.
Henry: And so he put everything up off the ground level. Now we’re into John’s.
Chris: This is John’s College here?
Henry: Which is the next biggest college after Trinity.
Chris: Marvelous. Marvelous. What a lovely sight. And in spite of all this history, Cambridge is not steeped in the past. It is still a center of learning and a center of excellence.
Henry: Oh, very much, very much. The Cambridge Science Park was developed here with new industries linked to the science side of the university. A growth phenomenon. "The Cambridge phenomenon" they call this.
Chris: This is astonishing--this one with this structure on the top.
Henry: They sometimes call this "the Bridge of sighs".
Henry: And this is one of the very earliest developments of Cambridge on this side of the river.
Chris: Ah.
Henry: Well, there are only two colleges like this which have a choir school attached--St. John’s and King’s. And the choir school is over in that direction. You see the little boys coming down with their top hats and black coats.
A、Trinity College.
B、Clare Bridge.
C、King’s College Chapel.
通过男士的话"The absolute symbol of Cambridge is King’s College Chapel"可知选项C正确。
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