The following statements about the magazine New Scientist is true EXCEPT ______.

游客2024-08-08  6

问题 The following statements about the magazine New Scientist is true EXCEPT ______. [br]  
F: What are you reading, Bill?
M: It’s this week’s New Scientist. Why?
F: I was just wondering. It looks interesting, but I’ve never actually read it myself. It’s for real scientists, or can ordinary people like me understand it?
M: Oh, it’s for anyone really. It usually has articles and stories about current affairs about science, as well as papers about new developments in research, I’m reading about a new telephone that allows you to see the person you are speaking to, as well as hear him.
F: Oh, I’ve heard about it. Is it on the market yet? Can I buy one?
M: No, not this one. But the company has made other models to try out on business. This one is special because of its color, and the images moving.
F: Oh, that’s interesting.
M: You see, the first videophones--that’s what they are called--were made in Japan. But they can only show a still black-and-white image, so this videophone is much better than that. Mind you, I’m not sure I’d want one, would you?
F: Well, no. I don’t think I would. I bet it costs a lot of money. Does it say how much it costs?
M: Yes. The early black-and-white ones cost several hundred pounds. But the one is about costs several thousand pounds.
F: Hum. Why does anybody want one, do you think?
M: Business organizations that need to frequently contact overseas organizations would want it. It’s like a face-to-face conversation. So maybe a lot of overseas travel can be avoided.
F: Yes, I suppose so.

选项 A、it has color.
B、it has a moving image.
C、it costs less money.

答案 C

解析 录音中女士问该新型电话是否已经上市时,男士回答“no”,并指出,it is special because of its color, and the images moving该机型的特别之处在于其颜色和动态图像,选项A,B,D均正确。后文女士询问价格时,男士回答“以前的机型只要several hundred,而新机型却要several thousand”,选项C错误。