[originaltext]M: I really wish Tom would take more interest in our business. I

游客2024-08-03  2

M: I really wish Tom would take more interest in our business. I don’t know why he wants to become an artist.
W: He’s only sixteen, I think he should do what he wants.
Q: What does the father want his son to do?
W: Have you finished your research report?
M: Finished? It would take days.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The report is difficult.
B、The report is very long.
C、The report has been finished.
D、The report will be finished in two days.

答案 A

解析 女士问:“你研究报告做完了吗?”男士说:“做完?得花好几天时间。”言外之意是报告有些难。