请根据以下内容给香港航空公司写信预订机票。 本公司营业部主任陈先生定于6月19日抵达波士顿,逗留数日后,将继续前往渥太华。敬请贵公司保留6月24日

游客2024-07-27  5

问题 请根据以下内容给香港航空公司写信预订机票。   
   Words for reference:
营业部主任:sales director


答案                                                          May 17, 2007
Manager of Reservation
Hong Kong Airways,
Dear Sir,
   Mr. Chen, our sales director, is due to arrive in Boston on June 19th, and after spending a few days, will continue his journey to Ottawa.
   Will you please reserve a seat for him on the first available plane leave Boston for Ottawa on or after June 24th and send your account for fare and reservation fee for me. The amount due will then be paid in good time for you to issue the air ticket and details of the flight booked.
   Please confirm the reservation by telephone.
   Thank you very much!
                                                                               Yours faithfully,

解析 *注明时间日期及收信人地址