Academic (学院部) Information 490. English Comp

游客2024-07-26  5

问题                                 Academic (学院部) Information
    490. English Composition. Fall, Spring, 3 hours. One lecture, two writing laboratories. Pre-requirement: English 400 or permission of the instructor.
    A review of English grammar and vocabulary, practice in writing technical English. Intended  to assist foreign graduate students to write theses. Not open to native speakers. Professor Baker.
                               Satellite (卫星)
    The most powerful carrier of information ever created isn’t a highway at all it’s a super skyway.  And it exists today—a satellite network that is ubiquitous (普遍存在的), reliable and efficient.
    Unlike fiber optics (纤维光学), satellites can send data to any point on earth, at sea or in the air—all at the same time. Nor are they as vulnerable (易受伤的) to great natural disasters like flood and earthquakes.
    Satellites are essential for today’s broadcast, cable, business, TV, radio, data delivery, educational programming and telephone industries.
    In the first ad, (46)______ will instruct this course.
    This course seems to be open to(47)______ .
    According to the advertisement, (48) ______ is the most powerful carrier of information.
    Satellite can (49)______ at the same time.
(50)______ can not affect the satellite’s functions (功能). [br]


答案 Professor Baker

解析 根据线索词instruct定位到第一则广告。由第二段最后两个词可知,主讲人是 Professor Baker。