[originaltext]How long will it take for him to get to Shanghai from Beijing? [/

游客2024-07-26  5

How long will it take for him to get to Shanghai from Beijing?
Would you kindly give me her address?

选项 A、Yes, it’s my pleasure.
B、Yes, I like your dress.
C、Certainly, here you are.
D、You are welcome.

答案 C

解析 本题考查对提出请求的一般疑问句的回答。本句用would you…向别人提出请 求,回答要表明是否接受别人请求。本题问:“请您把她的地址给我好吗?”所以C)“当然可 以,给你”是较为合理的回答。A)和D)都是对别人表示感谢时的用语做出的回答;B)“是 的,我喜欢你的衣服”更是答非所问。