From the passage, we can learn that "Greyhound" is probably the name of_________

游客2024-07-24  4

问题 From the passage, we can learn that "Greyhound" is probably the name of_________. [br] When people are traveling to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for________.

选项 A、American citizens
B、Japanese citizens
C、Mexicans citizens
D、Canadians citizens

答案 B

解析 什么人去加拿大或墨西哥必须要带护照呢?短文最后一段第二句话说“If you are not a citizen of the U.S.,Canada or Mexico,a passport is required.",由此可知,日本人去加拿大或墨西哥就必须带护照,故答案选B。