[originaltext]M: The last bus must have left. How are we going to get home?W:

游客2024-07-23  5

M: The last bus must have left. How are we going to get home?
W: It looks as though we have no choice but to call a tax.
Q: What are they talking about?

选项 A、How to get home.
B、How to take a taxi.
C、When they should go home.
D、Why they are so late.

答案 A

解析 语义判断题。该题的考点是判断对话中的语义。关键词语有as though“似乎”,have no choice but“只好”等。根据对话,我们了解最后一班公共汽车可能已经开了,他们只好去叫出租车了。其他几个选项都不是他们的话题。正确答案是A项。