[originaltext]W: I have two tickets for the movie. Would you like to come with

游客2024-07-25  6

W: I have two tickets for the movie. Would you like to come with me?
M: I have seen it and it’s too cold outside.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: I want to wear the blue skirt for the party.
M: Can you wear the red one? I like it much better.
Q: How does the man think about the red skirt?

选项 A、He likes it much better.
B、He doesn’t like it.
C、He doesn’t know.
D、He prefers the blue one.

答案 A

解析 观点态度题。对话中女士对男士说想穿蓝色裙子去参加晚会,可男士建议女士穿红裙子,并明确表明更喜欢红色的。由此可见,男士更喜欢红裙子。注意:题目选项中没有再次出现red skirt,而是用代词it指代,符合英语表达习惯和规则,考查考生在听录音瞬间将“问”与“答”联系起来的能力。