If you’re looking for ways to improve your products or services, customers c

游客2024-07-22  6

问题     If you’re looking for ways to improve your products or services, customers can be one of your most valuable sources of information and market research. So why not take it a step further and visit some of them?
    Ideally, you want to do this in person, so you may need to offer your customers something for their time. They may be pleased that you take their opinion seriously, and they may also enjoy getting a chance to help influence your products or services. If your customers are in different places, you could make such visits part of your business travel to get a wider range of responses.
    One expert recommends that you make your customers feel comfortable during the visits. You’re not trying to sell anything through these meetings, so plan to spend 80 percent of your time listening.
    Don’t try to lead your customer to give responses that you really want to hear. Instead, ask questions that focus on the customer’s experience, such as whether they got what they were hoping for and what they found difficult or enjoyable. [br] Your customers may feel happy if you ______.

选项 A、take them as your good friends
B、treat their opinions seriously
C、offer quick responses
D、visit them regularly

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。本题询问你的顾客在什么情况下才会感觉开心。文章第二段第二句提到“他们可能很高兴你认,真对待他们的看法……”。找到文中的对应短语take their opinion seriously,可以判断B项正确。