[originaltext]W: Do you know what day is April 22?M: It is Earth Day.Q: What

游客2024-07-14  5

W: Do you know what day is April 22?
M: It is Earth Day.
Q: What day is April 22?
M: Where can I learn more about your training program?
W: From our website.
Q: How can the man get more information?

选项 A、From newspapers.
B、From the sales department.
C、From magazines.
D、From the website.

答案 D

解析 信息明示题。男士询问女士从哪里可以了解到更多的关于培训项目的信息,女士回答说,从他们的网站上。由此可知,男士获得更多信息的来源是网站上,因此确定本题的答案为D)“从网站上”。A)“从报纸上”、B)“从销售部门”和C)“从杂志上”均与对话中提到的内容不符,因此可以排除。