[originaltext]W: Tim, we need to do something about Steve. M: What’s the probl

游客2024-07-15  7

W: Tim, we need to do something about Steve.
M: What’s the problem with Steve?
W:(17)He’s late for work almost every other day.
M: I know. But I don’t want to fire him.
W: Why not? A lot of people want to work here.
M: That’s true.(18)But he’s really smart and talented.
W: I agree. He does his work very well.(19)How about talking with him?
M:(19)OK. Maybe that’ll work.
17. What do we know about Steve according to the woman?
18. What does the man think of Steve?
19. What do they decide to do with Steve s problem?

选项 A、Lazy.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士对男士说了Steve经常迟到的事情后,男士表示尽管如此,但他不想开除Steve,并解释说他认为Steve很聪明,而且很有天赋。因此C)“有天赋的”为正确答案。