[originaltext]W: When are you going to take the new job?M: As soon as possible

游客2024-07-14  3

W: When are you going to take the new job?
M: As soon as possible.
Q: What is the man going to do?
M; Tom looks worried. What has happened to him?
W; He has lost his job.
Q: What has happened to Tom?

选项 A、He is out of work.
B、He has been ill for days.
C、He is short of money.
D、He lost his credit card.

答案 A

解析 细节推断题。男士对女士说Tom看起来闷闷不乐,并询问女士他到底出了什么事;女士回答说他失去了工作。由此不难看出,发生在Tom身上的事情是他失去了工作,A)中的out of work与lost hisjob意思相同,所以确定A)为本题的答案。B)“他已经生病好多天了”、C)“他缺钱”和D)“他把信用卡弄丢了”,都没有在对话中谈到,因此可以排除。