At the end of______, the country was temporarily divided into North and South Vi

游客2024-07-06  1

问题 At the end of______, the country was temporarily divided into North and South Vietnam. [br] What is the best title of the passage?

选项 A、American Policy on Vietnam
B、Vietnam War
C、The Conflict Between the North and the South
D、American’s Goal

答案 B

解析 综观整篇文章,第一段描述越战前的现状,越南—分为二;第二段讲述美国出兵的原因;第三段是美军介入的结果。整篇文章是围绕一个主题即越南战争而展开的。因此选项B.Vietnam War是对的。A项强调美国政策,不是专指这一段历史,故不选。C项仅强调内战,较片面。D项是美国的目标,离题太远。