[originaltext]W: I want to look at some hats.M: What kind of hats shall I show

游客2024-07-06  0

W: I want to look at some hats.
M: What kind of hats shall I show you? We have all kinds and sizes. Oh, these are the latest fashion.
Q: Where are the man and the woman talking?

选项 A、At a shoe shop.
B、At a department store.
C、At a grocery shop.
D、At a drugstore.

答案 B

解析 在这个对话中我们得知此女士想看帽子,男士回答:“你想看哪种帽子?我们这里各个种类和大小的都有。”所以我们知道地点应该是在department store,C选项意为“食品杂货店”,D选项意为“药房”或“杂货店”,故选B。