[originaltext]W: Did Bob buy the company?M: I don’t know but he only agreed to

游客2024-07-05  0

W: Did Bob buy the company?
M: I don’t know but he only agreed to take the company if his parents will let him make all the decision himself.
Q: What does Bob intend to do?

选项 A、To do whatever the company asks of him.
B、To make decisions in agreement with the parents.
C、To buy the company and make decisions himself.
D、To buy the company according to his parents’ ideas.

答案 C

解析 关键要听懂第二个人的“I don’t know but he only agreed to take the company if his parents will let him make all the decision himself.”中的if条件句的意思:仅仅在他父母让他自己作主的前提下,才会买下该公司。所以,D项“根据父母意思来作决定”不对,应选C项。