His mother died when he was five, his father never remarried, and by the time he

游客2024-07-05  0

问题 His mother died when he was five, his father never remarried, and by the time he was eight ______ in three different countries.

选项 A、had lived
B、was lived
C、was living
D、will have lived

答案 A

解析 by the time后接一个表示时间的状语从句;其意为“当……时,到……时”,如果by the time后接一般过
去时,主句通常接过去完成时或过去完成进行时  例如:By the time Tianjing was liberated, she had been working in this workshop for eight years. 到天津解放时,她在这车间已经工作了八年:如果by the time后接一个一般现在
时的从句或表将来时间的短语时,主句常用将来完成时来表达。例如:The truck will have arrived by the time
(that) you have all the things packed up. 等你们把所有这些东西包装完毕时,卡车将已经抵达了。所以我们可以