[originaltext]W: Hi, Bill. This is Nancy.M: Oh, hi. How is everything going?W

游客2024-07-04  2

W: Hi, Bill. This is Nancy.
M: Oh, hi. How is everything going?
W: Just fine, thanks. How about you?
M: Pretty well.
W: Uh, I’m calling to see if you will be free on Saturday night.
M: Hmm, Saturday night? Let me think. Oh, I’m afraid not. My brother just called to say he was coming that night. I told him I would meet him at the airport.
W: Oh, that’s too bad! It’s my birthday and we are going to have a party at my place. I thought you would come then.
M: I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.
6. What is the man going to do on Saturday night?

选项 A、Have dinner with the woman.
B、Meet his brother at the airport.
C、Give a birthday party.
D、Go shopping.

答案 B

解析 在对话中男士提到那天晚上他哥哥要来,他要去机场接他,故选B。