[originaltext]W: Can I help you?M: I want to buy a house.W: What kind of hous

游客2024-07-04  1

W: Can I help you?
M: I want to buy a house.
W: What kind of house do you want?
M: Well, I have got a big family, my parents, my wife, two sons, one girl and me, so I’d iike to have a large house.
W: OK, I see. We have some large houses. You can choose the one you like.
M: Good! I want to have a house with 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a toilet and a big meeting room.
W: Well, I suggest you buy Room 315. It is big enough for your family.
M: Thank you for your suggestion, I want to go there and have a look at it.
W: OK! This way, please.

选项 A、Three.

答案 C

解析 How many people are there in the man’s family?问男士家有多少人,总共是七人,因此选项C为正确答案。