
游客2024-07-04  1

问题    外国语学院学生会于2005年12月20日宣布年度英语晚会将于2005年12月31日(星期六)晚7点在礼堂举行,节目有唱歌、跳舞、朗诵、话剧、游戏等。欢迎老师和同学们参加,届时与会者将有特别礼品赠送。入场券可到办公大楼308室领取。


答案                                              Notice
                                                                                    December 20.2005  
   The Students’ Union of Foreign language School takes pleasure in announcing that its annual English evening is to be held in the assembly hall at 7 p.m. Saturday, December 31st. The program includes songs, dances. recitations, plays, games, etc. All teachers and students are welcome to join us and we will award everybody there a special gift. Admission tickets may be obtained on application to Room 308, office building.

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