[originaltext]M: Nice to see you. I’ve come for a job interview.W: Oh, yes. Ho

游客2024-07-04  2

M: Nice to see you. I’ve come for a job interview.
W: Oh, yes. How did you find out about the job?
M: (8) I read your advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. So here I am.
W: Good. (9) Do you know about computers?
M: Yes (9/10) I studied computer science in the university and later I worked in a computer company for a few years.
W: Then what makes you think to come to this place?
M: Well, I hope to find a better place for further development.
W: Good. Please fill in this form. We’ll inform you very soon.
M: Thanks for your consideration.
W: That’s OK.

选项 A、He applies for this job to earn more money.
B、He majored in computer in the university.
C、He knows little about computer.
D、He has just graduated from a university.

答案 B

解析 此题目询问下面哪项叙述是正确的。文中男士说到自己从大学时就开始学计算机,只要听清原文就能知道选项B(他在大学里学的是计算机专业)是正确答案。文中女士男士为何来面试,男士说想找一个更好的岗位以便进一步提高自己,可知选项 A(他申请这份工作是为了挣更多的钱)错误;男士说自己从大学时就开始学计算机,之后在一个电脑公司工作了几年,可知选项C(他几乎不懂电脑)和选项D(他刚大学毕业)与对话内容不符,应排除。