[originaltext]M: It’s all right this time. You don’t have to buy two new ticket

游客2024-07-04  1

M: It’s all right this time. You don’t have to buy two new tickets today. But next time, please be sure you are on the right train.
W: We will read the signs more carefully next time. Thank you.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
W: Louise speaks English as if she were an American.
M: Her family lived in the United States until Louise was 12 Years old. She has never forgotten her English.
Q: Why can Louise speak English well?

选项 A、Her family speaks English.
B、She spent her early years in America.
C、She has a good memory and won’t forget her English.
D、She is an American native.

答案 B

解析 题目询问的是“为什么路易丝能讲一口流利的英语?”根据原文可知,这是由于“路易丝12岁之前和家人住在美国。”四个选项中,B项(路易丝早年在美国度过)与此意最为接近,故答案为选项B。其余三项中,D项干扰性较强,原文中提到“路易丝的英语说得和英国人一样”,如漏听“as if”一词则易误选此项。选项A(她的家人讲英语)和选项 C(她记忆力好,没忘记英语)中分别提到了原文中的只言片语,意义却背离了原文。