When someone has money that he wants to put in a safe place, he naturally ta

游客2024-07-04  2

问题     When someone has money that he wants to put in a safe place, he naturally takes it to a bank. Until recently the very appearance of the bank building was designed to assure people that their money would be safe. There were thick, solid walls and barred windows. All the windows and doors were wired to set off the burglar alarms if anyone tried to force his way in. The vaults where the money was kept had huge, steel doors with complicated locks. Uniformed guards with pistols in their holsters were always on duty in the bank. The tellers’ cages - the cubicles where the bank clerks, or tellers, worked - actually resembled cages. They had gratings across the front, high sides and back, and a door that could be opened only by pushing a release button.
    The new style of bank design retains some of these protective features, but the idea now is to make the hank seem like a friendly place rather than a forbidding fortress. The tellers’ cages have been replaced by flat, unobstructed counters. The guards and burglar alarms are still there, but they are less noticeable than they used to be. [br] The new style of bank looks like a friendly place because______.

选项 A、there are no guards or burglar alarms there
B、tellers are more friendly than they used to he
C、tellers work by unblocked counters
D、walls in a band building are not so thick and solid

答案 C

解析 参阅文章第二段,第二句说明了现代银行看起来更友好的原因之一就是拆除了职员办公桌旁的铁栅栏,A.D明显不符合原文,B项在文中没有说明。