[originaltext]W: Hi, my name is Christa and I have a friend Mary, whose son is

游客2024-07-03  1

W: Hi, my name is Christa and I have a friend Mary, whose son is taking guitar lessons from you, and she suggested I call you.
M: OK. Will the lessons be for yourself or your son?
W: I want to learn. My son is only three.
M: Fine. Have you had any musical experience before?
W: Well, I studied the piano for about three months but that was 6 years ago.
M: That’s good. So we needn’t start right from the beginning again.
W: When can I take lessons and how much do they cost?
M: Well, that depends on you. We have a small group that meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings for two hours, that costs $4 an hour. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I give private lessons which cost $8 an hour.
W: I’m afraid that I can’t make it on Mondays but I can come on Wednesdays.

选项 A、She’s studied the piano for six years.
B、She studied the guitar for three months.
C、She doesn’t have any.
D、She has very little.

答案 D

解析 本题问女士有怎样的学音乐的经历。根据I studied the piano for about three months but that was 6 years ago.可以得知这位女士在六年前学过三个月的钢琴。因此,她有很少的一点音乐基础。B很有迷惑性,但应注意女士学的是钢琴,而不是吉他。