[originaltext]M:It is Such a nice warm day, and I think I will go to write my r

游客2024-07-03  1

M:It is Such a nice warm day, and I think I will go to write my report under the tree.
W:I’d like to join you but I find it’s hard to work outside.
Q:What is the woman going to do?

选项 A、Join her friend.
B、Stay inside.
C、Sketch the tree.
D、Look for a job.

答案 B

解析 本题的解题关键在于听清楚but后面的内容but I find it’s hard to Work outside。男士说:“今天天气很不错,我想出去到树下写报告,”女士说:“我想跟你去,但是我发现在外面我无法工作。”言下之意是说她不会出去,即她会呆在屋子里。