[originaltext]M:Hello,Mary.W:Hello,Jason.What are you going to do this evening

游客2024-07-03  1

W:Hello,Jason.What are you going to do this evening?
M:I’ve no idea.What about you?
W:I have two tickets for the football match.Will you go with me?
M:Certainly. You know I haven’t watched a football match for a long time.
W:Neither have I Shall we go there by bus?
M:A11 right. After supper let’s meet at the street corner. OK?
W:OK.Let’s hurry up. Now it’s 6:30. The match will begin in an hour.Be sure not to be late.
M:Sure,I’ll get to the street corner on time.

选项 A、To go to see a play.
B、To go to see a movie.
C、To go to watch a football match.
D、To go out to play football.

答案 C

解析 由对话开始部分即可知二人对话围绕今晚去哪儿展开。女士说:I have two tickets for the football match Will you go with me?(我有两张球票,一起去看球吧?),此后二人商定坐公交车去,并约好见面的时间地点,可知答案选C.