College is a place to explore many possibilities; you really can’t do it al

游客2024-07-03  1

问题      College is a place to explore many possibilities; you really can’t do it all—unless you manage your time wisely. Here are some tips I have found very helpful for managing my time and maximizing my study efforts:
    1.   Determine your goals. What do you want to get out of a college education? Academic (学术的)knowledge? Leadership experiences within a club? Decide what is most important to you.Then devote proportionate (成比例的) amounts of time to those efforts.
    2.   Plan ahead.You may think you can keep everything in your head,but as the activities on your schedule start piling up, making a schedule can really help organize even little tasks.
    3.   Study at strategic (关键的) times.Don’t wait until you’re falling asleep to study.Study first.Save those e-mails to check later, because tasks that don’t require much energy and attention can still be done when you’re tired.
    4.   Motivate (激励) yourself! You know that TV show you’ve been dying to see, or that game of chess you’ve been waiting all week to challenge your friend to. These and many other special activities can be used for motivation. Promise yourself that you’ll finish your biology assignment before you go off and "play". That way, you’ll force yourself to work efficiently.(Don’t rush through the assignment, though.)
    5.   Take a nap. Sometimes even a 20-minute nap in the afternoon will give you the extra energy you need to get through the day. [br] Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments?

选项 A、Remembering our urgent tasks.
B、Any activities we’re eager to do.
C、Taking a break in the afternoon.
D、The promise to study efficiently.

答案 B

解析 细节推断题。本题考查的是什么事情能刺激我们做作业。根据题干关键词motivation,可将答案定位到文章倒数第二段。该段说明你想看的电视节目、期待与朋友下象棋等活动能够成为我们学习的刺激物。因此可以推测,那些我们想做的事情可以成为我们学习的刺激物,由此可见B)“我们渴望做的任何事情”接近原文,因此是正确答案。